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  • Reviews

    Please click the link for up to date Trading Standards Reviews

  • Will my smoke alarm be installed correctly?

    Yes. All the equipment we supply & fit conforms to Scottish Government regulations. We are also members of The Renfrewshire Trusted Trader Scheme, which is Council backed and run, with the vetting process carried out by Trading Standards Officers. You can read more about us here

  • How much will new alarms cost me?

    The government website suggests a cost of around £220 for a typical 3-bedroom house on two floors for the supply of 3 smoke alarms and 1 heat alarm (not including fitting costs). In practice, we have heard of additional fitting costs of between £50 and £600. Our price is £175 for a typical 3-bedroom house…

  • Why Do I Need New Smoke & Heat Alarms?

    Legislation was enacted in Scotland on 1st February 2022 which requires all homeowners and landlords to install wireless interlinked smoke and heat alarms and Carbon monoxide alarms in all occupied homes. There are no exemptions. Details can be found at . It is also a condition of all UK home insurance policies that the…

  • What if I ignore the recent alarm legislation?

    Probably nothing much will happen initially. The Government is unlikely to send inspectors to every home to check conformity, but it is worth checking with your insurance company and getting an answer in writing. Most insurance policies stipulate that homes must be kept in good safe repair and be compliant withal current Building Regulation legislation,…

  • Saving lives with Smoke Alarms

    Life SavingOver the years since the introduction of domestic smoke detectors, countless lives have been saved and burn injuries prevented by these, often overlooked, little devices. Loss of life and injuries have at the same time been caused by removal of batteries due to nuisance tripping. Problems have been experienced through alarms being inaudible in…